14 Δεκ 2014


"But to judge by Spanish and Italian bond yields, investors seem to be betting there’s no chance the deadly pas a deux between Europe’s sovereigns and banks will start up again".WSJ.
 Αυτά δείχνει να είναι τα περιθώρια του φόβου. Τα άσχημα νέα απο την Ελλάδα μπορεί να επηρεάσουν τις χώρες του Νότου; Μια ανησυχητική εξέλιξη στα ισπανικά και ιταλικά ομόλογα θα μπορούσε να φέρει προβλήματα στις τράπεζες τους που ακόμα διακρατούν αρκετά απο αυτά (γράφημα).

"...if Greek investors were running scared, there’s no reason for complacency anywhere across the eurozone’s southern fringes. For one thing, Italian sovereign debt levels are just as menacing as Greece’s, even if yields remain near historic lows. But most worrying is the even bigger dependence of Italy’s banking sector on the government bonds.
The latest data show that Italian banks hold more than 11% of their assets in Italian government debt, the highest proportion since the late 1990s. By contrast, Greek banks have steadily been trimming their exposure to the sovereign since the worst of the eurozone crisis–from 10% in the summer of 2011 to 2.7% now.
Nor are Italy’s banks alone. Spanish banks have also been increasing their holdings of domestic sovereign debt, doubling over the past three years to 10.5% now" 

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