19 Νοε 2013

το ενδιαφέρον

Παράκαμψη για να ξεπεραστεί η στενότητα;
newmoney.gr/ FT: Σε ύψη ρεκόρ οι πωλήσεις ελληνικών εταιρικών ομολόγων
...και ταυτόχρονα στα ύψη το ενδιαφέρον για ρίσκο.
Κάτι που γράφτηκε πάλι είναι:
Liquidity fears put regulators on the offensive - FT.com
Regulators in the US and Europe have raised concerns that asset management groups are promising investors liquidity terms they cannot meet.
The UK’s Financial Conduct Authority has voiced doubts over fund managers’ ability to fulfil liquidity provisions due to structural changes in the investment banking industry after the financial crisis.
This coincides with the US Treasury’s attempt to determine whether fund houses are “too big to fail” and need to hold a minimum level of high-quality liquid assets. He said: “As risk is moved from the banking system to the buyside, certain managers will pursue less liquid strategies, which can cause a problem. It is inevitable that you will see asset liability mismatches coming back.”