1 Αυγ 2014

είναι μια διαφορά

Πρόκειται βέβαια για ένα προαναγγελθέν αδιέξοδο που θα διαρκέσει μήνες...αλλά υπάρχει και ένα σημείο στην σκιά, όπως περιγράφει το κείμενο: Argentina accuses US of judicial malpractice for triggering needless default - Telegraph
"The interminable drama is a reminder of how difficult it can be for a country to regain its footing in financial markets if it breaks the taboo and carries out a unilateral default outside the auspices of the International Monetary Fund. 
Countries that turn to the IMF usually recover trust quickly. Uruguay was able to borrow again within a year after defaulting in 2003 because it was seen to have behaved honourably, even heroically. Argentina is still shut out of global capital markets 12 years later".

Περιττό; Όλα είναι θέμα ορισμού.


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