23 Μαΐ 2011

και άλλοι ρωτάνε

Στην άλλη πλευρά μπορεί να συναντήσουμε ίσως ένα ακέφαλο ΔΝΤ και μια  ΕΚΤ με σκελετούς δισ.ευρώ στα θησαυροφυλάκια της απο τις διασώσεις ,και εδώ είναι και οι ερωτήσεις...zerohedge   που κάνει ένας ξένος επενδυτής για τις ιδιωτικοποιήσεις των 50 δις.:

        * Who exactly is going to purchase those state-owned assets? Domestic buyers? Those are busy trying to get their Euros out of the country (‘s banks) before it’s too late. Foreigners? Which foreigner would fork over dear Euros now only to find a Drachma-denominated (and quickly depreciating) asset shortly afterwards?
        * Who would invest in a country whose entire banking system is hanging on a thread (which the ECB is threatening to cut)?
        * Why buy assets that could be nationalized when a populist / communist government takes over after Greeks are (rightly) enraged about suffering endless austerity?
        * Why not ask Deutsche Telekom what they think about their 30% stake in OTE (Hellenic Telecom), bought for EUR 3.8bn (at EUR 27.50-29 per share, now: EUR 7.60). Buyer’s remorse came at the end of 2011. Deutsche Telekom hat to write off EUR 1.3bn on their Greek (and Romanian) investment. DTE management must hate themselves for having given the Greek government a put option for additional 10% stake until end of 2011. Why hasn’t the Greek government exercised yet? Don’t they need the cash? Only explanation: the Germans are twisting some Greek arms to try to make that put option “expire”. Full deal structure here.

2 σχόλια:

archaeopteryx είπε...

αυτό το τελευταίο θέλει μετάφραση στα ελληνικά...

οι Γότθοι...

Ανώνυμος είπε...

Μεχρι και ο Όλι Ρέν αμφιβαλλει για τα ασημικά
